Leonora Carrington was born the 6th of April, 1917 in Lancashire, England. She was born to a wealthy family and was forced to attend convents at a young age. In 1926 she would be expelled from two convents and deemed unteachable. In 1935 she would be presented to the court of George V at the Ritz hotel. She began her education as an artist in 1936 at the Amedee Ozenfants' academy in London. In 1937 she meets Max Ernst and decides to live with him. In 1938 she participates in the Exposition internationale du surrealisme, Galerie Beaux Arts, Paris. In 1941 after Max Ernst is imprisoned, Leonora escapes to Spain where she recognizes Renato Leduc, from a presentation by Pablo Picasso in Paris and manages to avoid her father's guard and escapes to the Mexican embassy. In 1942 she establishes herself in Mexico and regroups with a some refugee surrealists that included Benjamin Peret, Rmedios Varo and Kati Horna. Throughout her long career she published a series of novels, short stories and drama she was involved in theatre, movies, she painted, she did sculpture and tapestries. Overall she was a surrealist artist who dedicated her life to the love of creation.

Leonora Carrington

Leonora Carrington Art Work

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